Inspirational journeys

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Shady Abuyusuf

Mon, 20 May 2024



Sarah: Hey Tom, did you know that bats have an interesting linguistic role in the English language?

Tom: Really? How so?

Sarah: Well, for starters, they're not just scary animals for many. In the plural form, "bats" becomes a synonym for the adjective 'crazy.' So, for example, "Are you bats?" means "Are you crazy?"

Tom: Oh, I see. That's interesting.

Sarah: It gets even more interesting. If you change its form and make it an adjective, "batty" means the same thing. Like when you say, "You are driving me batty."

Tom: Ah, got it. So it's like saying, "You're driving me crazy."

Sarah: Exactly! But here's where it gets yucky. If you put the bat in the cave, it leads to a very unpleasant meaning.

Tom: What do you mean?

Sarah: Well, imagine saying, "He is the kid with the bat in the cave over there." It means he's the kid with snot hanging from his nose.

Tom: Eww, that's gross!

Sarah: And if you combine the word 'bat' with the word 'shit,' you get the same meaning as 'bullshit.'

Tom: Really? Like when you say, "Honestly, I think this is all batshit."

Sarah: Yep, exactly like that.

Tom: Wow, I never realised bats had such an interesting linguistic role in English.

Sarah: Yeah, it's pretty fascinating. Anyway, I guess we should get back to business and stop all this batshit talk. ????????????

Tom: Haha, yeah, let's focus on what we need to do.


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