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Survey Activites

Shady Abuyusuf

Sun, 19 May 2024


Survey tasks are excellent as speaking tasks in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classroom for several reasons:

1. Genuine communication: Survey tasks require students to engage in authentic conversations with each other, providing a communicative purpose which aids in enhancing the learners’ English speaking skills.

2. Interaction: These tasks foster interaction amongst students by requiring them to share their opinions, preferences, and experiences. As a result, students practice employing the target language in a safe and supportive environment.

3. Personalisation: Survey tasks can be tailored to the interests and needs of individual students, which helps maintain their motivation and engagement.

4. Confidence-building: By providing the opportunity to practice speaking skills in a structured and interactive manner, survey tasks help students become more comfortable in using the English language.

5. Language development: Engaging in survey tasks promotes the development of useful language skills, such as clarification, turn-taking, and active listening.

Here are five effective survey tasks and their procedures:

1. Find Someone Who:

– Prepare a list of statements each student must find a classmate to match (e.g., “Find someone who has visited another country”).

– Students walk around the room, asking questions to find a classmate who fits each statement.

– Once matched, students note down their classmates’ names and additional information.

2. Questionnaires:

– Create a questionnaire based on a specific topic or theme, with open-ended questions that encourage discussion (e.g., “What’s your favourite hobby?”).

– Students pair up and take turns asking and answering the questions.

– After completing the questionnaire, pairs can report their findings to the rest of the class.

3. Two Truths and a Lie:

– Each student writes down two true statements and one false about themselves.

– Students take turns sharing their statements, and their classmates guess which one is the lie.

– The speaker confirms the lie and provides a brief explanation.

4. Cultural Exchange:

– Divide students into pairs or small groups, and assign each group a specific cultural topic to research (e.g., customs, food, or holidays).

– After researching, students create questions they want to ask the other groups about their topics.

– Groups then take turns asking and answering questions about their assigned topics, exchanging information and practicing their speaking skills.

5. Job Interview:

– Assign one student the role of an employer and another the role of a job candidate.

– Provide the employer a list of possible interview questions or ask them to create their questions.

– The “employer” interviews the “candidate,” who is encouraged to answer spontaneously and practice their speaking skills.

– After the interview, other students give feedback on the “candidate’s” performance.

These survey tasks provide students with opportunities to practice their English speaking skills in a meaningful, engaging, and interactive way.


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