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English Language Teaching and Assessment Certificate (ELTAC)

English Language Teaching and Assessment Certificate (ELTAC)


This is a qualification for candidates who have limited experience of teaching English language. The course is an intensive programme of study for which you will need to be able to commit to fully. The course includes modules on students and teachers and the teaching and learning context; language analysis and awareness; language skills; reading, listening, speaking and writing; planning and resources for different teaching contexts; developing teaching skills in ELT.

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Expiry period 4 Months
Made in English
Last updated at Fri Jul 2024
Level 5
Total lectures 0
Total quizzes 0
Total duration Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description This is a qualification for candidates who have limited experience of teaching English language. The course is an intensive programme of study for which you will need to be able to commit to fully. The course includes modules on students and teachers and the teaching and learning context; language analysis and awareness; language skills; reading, listening, speaking and writing; planning and resources for different teaching contexts; developing teaching skills in ELT.
  • Enhanced Teaching Skills Instructional Techniques: Mastery of a variety of teaching methods and strategies tailored to the needs of English language learners. Lesson Planning: Ability to design, implement, and evaluate effective lesson plans that incorporate diverse teaching materials and resources.
  • Comprehensive Understanding of Language Teaching Linguistic Knowledge: Deep understanding of English grammar, phonetics, and vocabulary to aid in effective language instruction. Language Acquisition Theories: Knowledge of key theories and principles of second language acquisition to inform teaching practices.
  • Classroom Management Proficiency Classroom Dynamics: Skills to manage diverse classroom environments, including large classes, mixed-ability groups, and multilingual learners. Behavior Management: Strategies to maintain a positive and productive classroom atmosphere.
  • Practical Teaching Experience Teaching Practice: Hands-on teaching experience through supervised teaching practice sessions, including peer and self-evaluations. Feedback and Reflection: Skills to receive and act on feedback from trainers and peers, and to engage in reflective practice for continuous improvement.
  • Assessment and Evaluation Skills Student Assessment: Ability to design and implement various forms of student assessments, including formative and summative assessments. Evaluation Techniques: Skills to evaluate student progress and adjust teaching methods accordingly to meet individual learner needs.
  • Professional Development Professionalism: Understanding of the professional responsibilities of an English language teacher, including ethical considerations and ongoing professional development. Resource Utilization: Ability to access and utilize a wide range of teaching resources, including digital tools and online platforms.
  • Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity Intercultural Competence: Enhanced cultural awareness and sensitivity to effectively teach students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Inclusive Teaching: Strategies to create an inclusive learning environment that respects and values cultural diversity.
  • Career Advancement Opportunities Employment Readiness: Increased employability in the field of English language teaching, with the skills and credentials to pursue various teaching roles. Global Opportunities: Qualifications that are recognized and valued internationally, opening doors to teaching positions around the world.
  • Certification Recognized Qualification: Receipt of the LRN Level 5 Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ELTAC), a recognised credential that validates your teaching expertise and commitment to the profession.
  • English Proficiency: Candidates should have a good command of English, typically at a level equivalent to CEFR B2 or IELTS 5.5. This ensures that participants can effectively engage with course materials and communicate fluently in English.
  • Educational Background: While there are no strict educational prerequisites for the ELTAC course, candidates with a background in English language studies, linguistics, education, or related fields may find the course content more accessible.
  • Interest in Teaching: Prospective participants should demonstrate a genuine interest in teaching English to speakers of other languages and a passion for language learning and education. This includes a willingness to engage in professional development and continuous learning.
  • Technological Requirements: Depending on the mode of delivery, candidates may need access to a computer or mobile device with internet connectivity to participate in online learning modules, access course materials, and communicate with tutors and peers.
  • Commitment and Motivation: Successful completion of the ELTAC course requires a significant commitment of time, effort, and dedication. Candidates should be prepared to actively engage with course materials, complete assignments and assessments, and participate in teaching practice sessions.